Friday, September 27, 2013

Practice Beginning Sounds

Today, we will work with the letters "G" and "M" using the app called Letter of the Day on the Smartboard.
Then, everyone will go to their own computer and play a matching game on  Click on the link below the picture to get started.

When you have finished the matching game, you will open the ABC Match Pixie file on your computer. Drag the images to the correct column to practice the beginning sounds of letters.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Practice with Sorting

Today, we will practice the letters B and L by playing Letter of the Day on the Smartboard.  Then, you will go to your own computer and play a few sorting games online.  Don't forget to click on the LINK below the picture (not on the picture).

Friday, September 13, 2013

Teach Your Monster to Read and Mathletics

Today, we will begin by playing Letter of the Day on the Smartboard.  Everyone will have a chance to come up and take turns answering the questions.

Then, you will go to your computer and to play Teach Your Monster to Read:

1. Click on the link below the picture.
2. Sign In with your name and password.
3. Begin playing.

During the last 15 minutes, I will teach you how to login to Mathletics.  Click on the link below the picture to get started.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Teach Your Monster to Read!

Today, we will start by playing a game on the Smartboard.  We will work with an app called Teach Me Kindergarten.  Everyone will have a turn to come up and answer a question.  You need to touch the IPAD, not the Smartboard.

Then, everyone will go to their own computer and play a new game called Teach Your Monster to Read. You will need to login with your username and password.  Click on the link BELOW the picture to get started.