Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Drawings

First, we will start by drawing a Thanksgiving card using Pixie.  Everyone's card must include a picture of a turkey and the following:
  • To ___________________ (someone you love)
  • Happy Thanksgiving
  • Love, _________________ (your name)

Audio Word Match - Thanksgiving Words

Next, fill in the missing numbers.  Try to count and type as high as you can. Good luck!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Addition, Letters and Matching

Practice addition skills:

Listen to the letter and click letter:

Match up the body parts.  There are 7 different heads, 7 different bodies and 7 different legs.
Put an X in the box when you match up each of these silly animals:
Green Lion
Green Bug

Friday, November 8, 2013

Identifying Letters on the Keyboard

Today, you will use Pixie to practice locating the letters on the keyboard.  You will type this week's sight words and your name.  Once you have finished typing the text, you may decorate your drawing using the paint can, the spray can, the stamps, etc. 

After you have finished your Pixie drawing, click on the link below to play this matching game and practice your sight words:

If there is time at the end of class, you may login to Teach Your Monster to Read.  Click the link below: